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Creating Your Irresistible Offer

Logan Lessar
10 Min

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Do you struggle to differentiate yourself from your competitors? Are you constantly thinking, "How can I make my product seem like the greatest thing in the world?"

The answer is creating an irresistible offer. But, what is an irresistible offer?

What is an Irresistible Offer?

It is NOT your product. This is one of the biggest mistakes most companies make is they think they're offer is their product.

"My product comes in 3 sizes, it's very colorful, and it can be taken with you everywhere you go."

This is NOT an offer. These are simply the features of the product. When a customer is deciding to pull out their wallet and buy something, they're not thinking about all the product's features. Yes, the features are important, and they play a big part in the buying decision, but the main thing a customer is always thinking about before making a purchase is: "What's in it for me?" 

The customer's mind automatically thinks about what this product will do for them and whether it is worth their hard-earned cash. People(including yourself) don't buy products. They buy solutions.

This is why it is essential that you understand two crucial things about your target customer:

  1. What their current situation is.
  2. What their desired outcome is.
Customer Target Outcome

Once you understand these two things, you can begin mapping out your irresistible offer.

Creating Your Irresistible Offer

 The best way to figure out what your irresistible offer should be is by sitting down either by yourself or preferably with your team and mapping out every possible thing you can offer your customer to help them reach their desired outcome.

Don't hold back. Write down every thought that comes to mind and lay it all out on the table, no matter how ridiculous some ideas may seem. After you've thought of everything you can, now go through all the things you came up with and get rid of what you can't do. 

An excellent example of this is writing down an idea such as, "Whenever someone buys our product, we'll fly to their home to deliver it ourselves as well as help them figure out how to use it and make sure they like it."

This idea would never be something you can(or should) do, but it's good to write things like this down as it can lead to different and better ideas that could work.

Finally, once you have a list of things you can potentially add to your offer, decide which ones are most important to your customer that portray the most value. A good rule of thumb is to make sure your offer is worth 5-10 times what you're selling it for.

Some things to keep in mind while structuring your offer:

  • Make sure the value it portrays is 5-10 times what the customer is paying for it.
  • It must solve your ideal customer's problem or help them achieve their goal.
  • Don't be afraid to test different offers. Most likely, you're not going to get it right the first go-around, so make sure to continuously try new offers to see which one speaks to your ideal customer the most.
Value vs Price

Now that you understand what an irresistible offer is and how to create one, spend a couple of hours over the next few days mapping out what your irresistible offer is and start testing it immediately!

I guarantee that by doing this, you're going to see an incredible increase in your overall sales and customer lifetime value(LTV).

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